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Causes Of Brake Light Failure & How to Fix Them

Driving your vehicle when your tail lights or break lights are not working can be very unsafe for you as well as for the other car owner on the road. One may not notice that their tail lights or break lights are not working because we hardly notice the backside of our car while driving. But break lights are vital for your safety and your fellow driver’s safety. The person driving behind you may not be able to see you or judge the distance between vehicles which can cause a serious accident.

We all want our a vehicle to perform well always, then taking care of your care is the way, it will really prolong the life as well as the performance of your car. Maintaining your vehicle will not only extend its life but also avoid any accident or mishap in the future.

The brake light turns on when the brakes are applied. This alerts drivers behind you that your car is slowing down. If the brake lights are not working, it can be a sign that there is a problem with your brake system.

There are many reasons why the brake lights might not work, but there are solutions to fix them.

Brake lights provide a safety feature for other drivers. If you brake suddenly, the brake lights will turn on to notify other drivers around you to take caution and slow down. Break light glitches are usually minor and can be easily fixed. So, if you are trying to find the reasons your brake light is not working, you are in the right place.

If you find that your brake lights are not working, then it could be any number of different problems that need to be fixed. Here are some of those problems:

1.    Check if there is any visible damage: If there is visible damage in the area where your brakes and/or brake light is located, then this would usually cause your brake lights not to work. The best way to solve this problem is just to replace the damaged part or component with a new one.

2.    Check if there is an issue with the wiring

3.    The bulb is burnt out

4.    The fuse has blown

5.    Loose wire connection

6.    The wiring is broken

7.    One or more of the brake lights are not working

8.    Wrong wire size in the wiring

Burnet Out Bulbs

Burnet-out light bulbs are one of the most commonly faced problems among vehicle owners. Break lights will remain on as long you are hitting brakes, so burnet out bulbs cannot be avoided, you will face this problem sooner or later. Car manufacturers are using LED lights to avoid this from happening, but if you have an older vehicle that has a filament bulb, all you need to do is to replace it or get it replaced.

How to Fix it:

·      The very first thing you need to do as soon as you find out that your break lights are not working is to turn off your engine.

·      You need to find out the type of bulb used in your vehicle. If you choose the wrong bulb, it will not solve anything but only increase your problems, you may face electrical problems. Find your owner’s manual and you will get all the information you need in order to find out the type of bulb you would require, it will have information like size of the bulb to its voltage.

·      Next thing you need to do is to before replacing the bulb is to disconnect the batteries, this will prevent any accidental electrocution and other electrical glitches.

·      You need to find out the type of lens your vehicle has. There are usually two types of lenses, one is stationary lens assemblies and the second one is removable lens assemblies. Your owner’s manual will have this information as well.

·      If you have a stationary lens assembly, the bulbs and electric wiring are autonomous and situated inside the assembly. All you need to do is press the bulbs' unlocking mechanism after removing the lens cover and you can effortlessly remove the defective bulb and swap it with a new one. 

·      Once you have the correct bulb in your hand you can start the replacement process. Applying dielectric grease to the end of your bulb will make it easier for you to remove it later when you need another replacement and also prevent it from rust. 

·      If you have removable lens assembly, you need to remove the full fitting from your vehicle. You will find the wiring harness which connects the break light bulbs which needs to be carefully removed in order to not cause any damage to the wiring. The assembly can be removed by simply pressing the disengaging mechanism and you can replace the bulb and reinstall the whole fitting.

Faulty Break Light Switch

If all the break lights of your vehicle are not working, then the chances are that the break light switch of your car is defective or dirty. It is almost impossible for all the break lights to go out at once, so if something like this happens, checking your break light switch is the first thing you should do.

Busted/Blown Fuse

If your break lights are not turning on and you have already checked the switch and bulb, the chances are that your Break circuit fuse is busted. The fuse box is situated under the hood in some vehicles or inside the passenger compartment on the kick panel. You can find the location of your fuse in the owner’s manual.

To check the break fuse, you need to use a fuse puller which is a plastic tool used to remove the fuse from the box. Once you find the fuse you can use a fuse tester to find out if it is working properly. You can also check whether the fuse is working properly by inspecting it under bright light, if the tiny filament inside the fuse is shaking constantly, then the filament is melted. Find out the correct amperage rating of the fuse, the owner’s manual will have the amperage information. Using the fuse puller insert the new fuse with the correct amperage and the replacement is complete.

Faulty Socket

If your break lights are still not working and you have checked everything. The problem might be in a light socket. You should look for a rusted or discolored socket and inspect the wiring for deterioration, such problems stop the connection from reaching. Removing and replacing a socket is easy, and sockets are pretty cheap too. You can just cut the old wires and connect the new part to replace it.

So, now you know everything you need to know about break light and how to fix it or get it fixed. Remember, it is always better to be safe than sorry, so check your break lights regularly and replace if there is any damage and be safe. Happy Driving!!!


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